Small Business Marketing - Learn More With BenchmarkONE

Small Business Marketing

Small Business Marketing Tips for Making the Most of Every Opportunity

Small Business Marketing 101

Traditionally, small businesses have looked to marketing methods like cold calling, advertising, and direct mail. But – as you know – new technology has made it a lot easier to tune out those traditional marketing methods that interrupt our day. For instance, if you don’t recognize a phone number, you won’t pick up the phone.

Don’t Call Me, I’ll Call You

Instead of pushing a sales-heavy message to a mass audience, small businesses are sharing relevant, helpful content that builds trust and goodwill between their audience and their brand. Then, with sales and marketing software, they’re pulling in quality prospects who are actually interested, continuing the conversation until they’re ready to buy.

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All-in-One Small Business Marketing Software

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Small Business Marketing Tools

You don’t need to be a big business to get all the breaks.  Today’s small business marketing tools are making it easier than ever to attract, capture and convert leads into customers. With BenchmarkONE’s all-in-one sales and marketing software, you have everything you need to capture new leads from your website, nurture them with relevant content, and convert them into loyal customers.

When you’re always in conversations with interested prospects – rather than chasing cold leads – your sales and marketing process becomes much more efficient and your conversions increase.

Capture New Leads

Small business marketing software makes it a cinch to add online forms to your website.  Easily capture new leads with lead magnet, gated content, contact and subscription forms to grow your database of leads in your target market.

Nurture Prospects

According to Kissmetrics, 96% of visitors who land on your website for the first time will not be ready to make a purchase.  But that doesn’t mean that they won’t become an interested buyer down the line. Marketing software helps small businesses stay in touch with leads through drip marketing campaigns.  Send the right email to the right prospect at the right time to win their hearts – and their business.

Convert Prospects into Customers

With sales and marketing software, you have insights into who is ready to buy, and who is just browsing your website.  That means that you or your sales team are always in conversations with hot prospects – rather than wasting time getting the cold shoulder from cold leads.

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